
Stefan Daiberl is a German-born artist and woodworker with a background in interior design and business. In his early twenties, after earning a graduate degree in economics, he moved from Bavaria to Boston in order to complete his MBA degree at Babson College. 

After several years working as a management consultant in New York, Stefan decided to change paths, and follow his true passion of becoming an artist. In its earliest stages, his artistry was expressed through the interior design company, Craft Design, which he began in 2005 in Santa Rosa Beach. Craft Design spearheaded many well-known residential and commercial design projects in Northwest Florida.

With a desire to create his own works of art, Stefan put interiors behind him, and began working with mixed media to create a wide breadth of work, most notably, his massive wooden spheres made from salvaged wood found in the local long-leaf pine forests. These original shapes echo in Darkmatter Lighting, being both locally sourced, and artistically made with a sense of German refinement, inspired by Stefan’s new home in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. 

As a husband and father of four, Stefan understands the importance and benefit of calm and minimal atmospheres that Darkmatter Lighting’s products strive to create. 

For further information on Stefan’s work, please visit:

Stefan Daiberl | Asheville Woodworking